
Jonathan Katz - 2 Day Seminar
May 18-19, 2024
Edmonton, AB
Zenith welcomes Jonathan Katz to conduct a two day seminar on the sport of PSA and the finer points to competition in this venue. As a respected high level competitor and long standing judge, this seminar will be geared towards those actively competing in PSA or those developing a dog for the sport. Contact the club director through the facebook page for sign up details.

Zenith Working Dog Club
2nd Annual PSA Club Trial
Sept 28-29, 2024
Edmonton, AB
Zenith Working Dog Club invites you to attend our second annual PSA club trial. This trial will be held Sept 28-29, 2024, and judged by Clay Smith. Sign up has not yet been released and we do not have a forecasted sign up date planned at this time. The FB event page will be created in Mid-March, and all future sign up details will be released through the event page. More details to come, currently we are just releasing dates for those that like to plan in advance.